Subscription Policy

When you purchase a subscription, you’ll obtain one of our digital services. You will be charged based on the subscription duration that you select. For instance, if you select a monthly subscription, you will be charged each month. Your payment details will be stored securely. For more information on how your payment details are stored, see our Privacy Policy.

Some subscriptions available on the site are automatically renewed upon the arrival of the billing date. Other subscriptions will require your approval before you are charged for the renewal of the subscription. We typically make the longer-term subscriptions ask you for additional approval before renewal.

Upon ordering a subscription-based service, you will receive an email about a subscription being created. Click the button “View subscription” to view your subscription. Here, you can see your billing schedule, edit your payment method, have the option to cancel your subscription, and more.

If you have an auto-renew subscription and no longer want the service, be sure to cancel your subscription prior to the charge date (as seen in the billing schedule) to avoid being charged.

You can cancel or change your subscription at any time.

If you cancel your subscription, you will no longer be charged for the service. Once cancelled, you will retain access to the service until the charge date for renewal is reached.

See our Returns Policy for more details on returns and refunds.